Shop with reusable produce & grocery bags.
Buy in bulk & bring your own containers to fill up your herbs, rice, nut butters & more!
Plant a garden.
Participate in a local nature cleanup.
Share your favourite outdoor space with someone you love.
Put up a birdhouse or hummingbird feeder in your yard.
Use a refillable water bottle.
Use your purchasing power to support sustainable, eco-friendly companies.
Reduce your meat consumption.
Shop local and organic.
Round up or donate to a local charity.
Introduce someone to your favourite all-natural, earth-friendly products.
Avoid purchasing single-use plastic products.
Take a moonlight soak with a scented candle & set intentions for a healthy earth.
Reuse or recycle containers. Get creative!
Switch your bills to e-bills.
Get involved at the local level & learn how you can protect the environment in your community.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives.
Say goodbye to one-use plastic, toxic cleaning products! There are now companies helping to make your home a clean & more environmentally friendly space.
Use all natural ingredients & learn more about the healing powers of plants.
Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth.
Learn about the recycling programs available in your county.
Start a compost bin.
Say no to plastic straws & utensils- invest in a reusable straw & utensil set.
Feel gratitude for the earth daily.