Funky Butter

What’s the best thing since sliced bread? Flavoured butter! Grab a soft stick of butter and add in everything from garlic and lemon juice (and rind), to fresh parsley or even those back-of-the-cupboard herbs and spices. Freeze any leftovers.
Feeling Dusty?

The best way to get rid of (and scare dust away) is an easy home remedy Grandma would be proud of. Grab a microfibre cloth and an empty bottle; pour in 2 cups of water, ¼ cup of vinegar, 1 tbsp of olive oil, 2 drops of dishwashing detergent and your favourite citrus essential oil. Using this easy-peasy formula to wipe down your household surfaces will not only ensure your home will smell just dandy, you’ll also be dust free for at least a month.
Bread and Cookies

Keep your cookies from going soft and soggy before their used by date by adding a piece of white bread into the mix when you store them in an airtight container.
Banded Labels

By-pass store-bought labels with thick elastic bands and a texta. Practical and cute!
Upside-Down Nuts

Sure, your peanut butter is healthy but it’s tiring mixing the oil back into the mix, am I right? The solution is simple: store the jar upside down after each use. Yes, that’s it.
Sticky Cheese

Sick of the elbow grease needed to clean your cheese grater after use? A simple spray of cooking spray pre grate will do the trick!
Get Hooked on Hanging Space

A well-organised is a no-brainer by installing inexpensive hooks on the inside of your kitchen cabinets to maximise your storage space.
Halt the Wilt

Stop your fresh herbs from wilting within a day by trimming the stems and placing them in a glass of water, sealing them with a bag and butcher string or a rubber band. the stems and place them in a small glass of water. Store in the fridge or on the counter for up to two weeks!